trust definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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trust (third-person singular simple present trusts, present participle trusting, simple past and past participle trusted)

  1. (transitive) To place confidence in; to rely on, to confide, or repose faith, in.
    We can not trust those who have deceived us.
    In God We Trust written on denominations of U.S. currency
    • (Can we date this quote?) William Shakespeare
      I will never trust his word after.
    • (Can we date this quote?) Johnson
      He that trusts every one without reserve will at last be deceived.
  2. (transitive) To give credence to; to believe; to credit.
    • (Can we date this quote?) William Shakespeare
      Trust me, you look well.
  3. (transitive) To hope confidently; to believe; -- usually with a phrase or infinitive clause as the object.
    • (Can we date this quote?) 2 John 12.
      I trust to come unto you, and speak face to face.
    • (Can we date this quote?) Heb. xiii. 18.
      We trust we have a good conscience.
    I trust you have cleaned your room?
  4. (transitive) to show confidence in a person by intrusting (him) with something.
    • (Can we date this quote?) John Dryden.
      Whom, with your power and fortune, sir, you trust, Now to suspect is vain.
  5. (transitive) To commit, as to ones care; to intrust.
    • (Can we date this quote?) Thomas Babington Macaulay.
      Merchants were not willing to trust precious cargoes to any custody but that of a man-of-war.
  6. (transitive) To give credit to; to sell to upon credit, or in confidence of future payment.
    Merchants and manufacturers trust their customers annually with goods.
  7. (transitive) To risk; to venture confidently.
    • (Can we date this quote?) John Milton
      [Beguiled] by thee to trust thee from my side.
  8. (intransitive) To have trust; to be credulous; to be won to confidence; to confide.
    • (Can we date this quote?) William Shakespeare
      More to know could not be more to trust.
  9. (intransitive) To be confident, as of something future; to hope.
    • (Can we date this quote?) Isa. xii. 2
      I will trust and not be afraid.
  10. (intransitive) To sell or deliver anything in reliance upon a promise of payment; to give credit.
    • (Can we date this quote?) Johnson
      It is happier sometimes to be cheated than not to trust.

trust (plural trusts)

  1. Confidence in or reliance on some person or quality.
    • 1671, O ever-failing trust / In mortal strength! — John Milton, Samson Agonistes
    He needs to regain her trust if he is ever going to let her back.
  2. Dependence upon something in the future; hope.
    • 1611, Such trust have we through Christ. — Authorised Version, 2 Corinthians iii:4.
  3. Confidence in the future payment for goods or services supplied; credit.
    I was out of cash, but the landlady let me have it on trust.
  4. (rare) Trustworthiness, reliability.
  5. (law) The confidence vested in a person who has legal ownership of a property to manage for the benefit of another.
    I put the house into my sisters trust.
  6. A group of businessmen or traders organised for mutual benefit to produce and distribute specific commodities or services, and managed by a central body of trustees.
  7. (computing): trust from an operating system against an application or user that results in access rights

trust (comparative more trust, superlative most trust)

  1. (obsolete) Secure, safe.
  2. (obsolete) Faithful, dependable.

Definizione dizionario trust

  Confidence in or reliance on some person or quality
  Sentimento di sicurezza che deriva dal confidare nell'integrità, forza, abilità e sim. proprie o altrui.
avere fiducia
  To place confidence in
  Confidence in the reliability of an entity or service and the information that it provides.
  To place confidence in
  Avere confidenza o fiducia in qualcuno.
  To have confidence or faith in.
contare su

Altri significati:
  (transitive) To place confidence in; to rely on, to confide, or repose faith, in.
  (transitive) To give credence to; to believe; to credit.
  To hope confidently
  A group of businessmen or traders organised for mutual benefit to produce and distribute specific commodities or services, and managed by a central body of trustees.
  to show confidence in a person by intrusting (him) with something
  A group of businessmen or traders
  (intransitive) To have trust; to be credulous; to be won to confidence; to confide.
  (transitive) To hope confidently; to believe; -- usually with a phrase or infinitive clause as the object.
  To be confident
  Confidence in or reliance on some person or quality.
  (a) trust
  To give credence to
  Trustworthiness, reliability
  (transitive) To give credit to; to sell to upon credit, or in confidence of future payment.
  (obsolete) Secure, safe.
  The confidence vested in a person who has legal ownership of a property to manage for the benefit of another
  (law) The confidence vested in a person who has legal ownership of a property to manage for the benefit of another.
  (rare) Trustworthiness, reliability.
  (transitive) to show confidence in a person by intrusting (him) with something.
  (intransitive) To sell or deliver anything in reliance upon a promise of payment; to give credit.
  (transitive) To commit, as to one's care; to intrust.
  (intransitive) To be confident, as of something future; to hope.
  (transitive) To risk; to venture confidently.
  A group of organisations in an industry which agree on maintaining high prices and effectively killing competition.
  To have trust
  Dependence upon something in the future; hope.
  Confidence in the future payment for goods or services supplied; credit
  Confidence in the future payment for goods or services supplied; credit.
  Dependence upon something in the future; hope
  (obsolete) Faithful, dependable.

Traduzione trust

fiducia ,avere fiducia ,credere ,attendibilità ,fidare

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