Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di whether . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
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Definizione monolingua




  1. (obsolete) Which of two. [11th-19th c.]
    • 1526, William Tyndale, trans. Bible, Matthew XXVII:
      The debite answered and sayde unto them: whether of the twayne will ye that I lett loosse unto you?


  1. (obsolete) Introducing a direct interrogative question (often with correlative or) which indicates doubt between alternatives.
    • 1526, William Tyndale, trans. Bible, Mark II:
      whether ys it easyer to saye to the sicke of the palsey, thy synnes ar forgeven the: or to saye, aryse, take uppe thy beed and walke?
    • 1616, William Shakespeare, King John, I.i:
      Whether hadst thou rather be a Faulconbridge, [...] Or the reputed sonne of Cordelion?
  2. Used to introduce an indirect interrogative question that consists of multiple alternative possibilities (usually with correlative or).
    He chose the correct answer, but whether by luck or by skill I dont know.
  3. Without a correlative, used to introduce a simple indirect question; if, whether or not.
    Do you know whether hes coming?
  4. Used to introduce a disjunctive adverbial clause which qualifies the main clause of the sentence (with correlative or).
    Hes coming, whether you like it or not.

Definizione dizionario whether

come se

Altri significati:
  introducing indirect questions)
  (obsolete) Introducing a direct interrogative question (often with correlative or) which indicates doubt between alternatives.
  Without a correlative, used to introduce a simple indirect question; if, whether or not.
  introducing adverbial clause
  if, whether or not
  Used to introduce a disjunctive adverbial clause which qualifies the main clause of the sentence (with correlative or).
  the exactness or the inaccuracy of the hypothesis that [Particle marking the object clause of a cognitive verb as doubtful.]
  Used to introduce an indirect interrogative question that consists of multiple alternative possibilities (usually with correlative or).
  (obsolete) Which of two. [11th-19th c.]

Traduzione whether

se ,che ,come se ,si ,sia

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