Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di wretch . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
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Definizione monolingua



wretch (plural wretches)

  1. An unhappy, unfortunate, or miserable person.
    • 1742, Henry Fielding, chapter 12, Joseph Andrews[1]:
      The poor wretch, who lay motionless a long time, just began to recover his senses as a stage-coach came by.
    • 1789, Watkin Tench, chapter 14, The Expedition to Botany Bay[2]:
      The four unhappy wretches labouring under sentence of banishment were freed from their fetters, to rejoin their former society; and three days given as holidays to every convict in the colony.
  2. An unpleasant, annoying person.
    • 1740, Samuel Richardson, chapter 71, Pamela[3]:
      Swear to me but, thou bold wretch! said she, swear to me, that Pamela Andrews is really and truly thy lawful wife, without sham, without deceit, without double-meaning; and I know what I have to say!
    • 1823, Walter Scott, chapter 32, Saint Ronans Well[4]:
      I asked that selfish wretch, Winterblossom, to walk down with me to view her distress, and the heartless beast told me he was afraid of infection!
  3. (archaic) An exile.

Definizione dizionario wretch

  unhappy, unfortunate or miserable person

Altri significati:
  An unhappy, unfortunate or miserable person.
  An unpleasant, annoying person.
  (archaic) An exile.

Traduzione wretch

miserabile ,disgraziato ,sciagurato

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