Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di zombie . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
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Definizione monolingua



zombie (plural zombies)

  1. A snake god or fetish in religions of West Africa and elsewhere.
  2. (voodoo, superstition) A person, usually undead, animated by unnatural forces (such as magic), with no soul or will of his/her own.
  3. (fiction, horror) A deceased person who becomes reanimate to attack the living.
    I shot a zombie. He was a zombie, Kenneth. The pilot was bitten before he picked us up!
  4. (figuratively) An apathetic person.
  5. (figuratively) A human being in a state of extreme mental exhaustion.
    After working for 18 hours on the computer, I was a zombie.
  6. An information worker who has signed a nondisclosure agreement.[1]
  7. (computing) A process or task which has terminated but was not removed from the list of processes, typically because it has child processes that have not yet terminated.
  8. (computing) A computer affected by malware which causes it to do whatever the attacker wants it to do without the users knowledge.
  9. A cocktail of rum and fruit juices
  10. (Canada, historical, derogatory) Nickname for a conscripted member of the Canadian military during World War II who was assigned to home defence rather than to combat in Europe.[2]
    • 1944, ""Time for Decision,"" Time (US edition), 6 Nov.,
      Had the time come to order Canadas home defense draftees—some 70,000 zombies idling at home—to battle overseas?
  11. (philosophy) A hypothetical person who lacks self awareness.

zombie f.

  1. feminine form of zombi


  1. in the manner of a zombie, zombically

Definizione dizionario zombie

  the undead
  A legendary figure of a corpse reanimated by a supernatural force or a spell, with no soul and no will of its own.

Altri significati:
  (fiction, horror) A deceased person who becomes reanimate to attack the living.
  (figuratively) A human being in a state of extreme mental exhaustion.
  (Canada, historical, derogatory) Nickname for a conscripted member of the Canadian military during World War II who was assigned to home defence rather than to combat in Europe.
  (figuratively) An apathetic person.
  An information worker who has signed a nondisclosure agreement.EE Times, "Beware 'zombie' clauses," 2 Aug., 2004
  (computing) A process or task which has terminated but was not removed from the list of processes, typically because it has child processes that have not yet terminated.
  (computing) A computer affected by malware which causes it to do whatever the attacker wants it to do without the user's knowledge.
  (voodoo, superstition) A person, usually undead, animated by unnatural forces (such as magic), with no soul or will of his/her own.
  A computer that has become the unwilling host of a DDoS (distributed denial of services) attack program and that is controlled by remote signals from the attacker. To create a zombie, a hacker utilizes security vulnerabilities to crack a Web, mail, news, or application server and plant hidden DDoS tools such as Trinoo and Tribal Flood Network. Later, at a signal from the attacker, the server becomes a zombie that will participate in a coordinated attack on other servers.
  (philosophy) A hypothetical person who lacks self awareness.
  A cocktail of rum and fruit juices
  A snake god or fetish in religions of West Africa and elsewhere.

Traduzione zombie

zombi ,zombie

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