Canzoni in inglese

Canzoni di inglese che ti permetterannò attraverso gli esercizi di migliorare la tua capacità di comprensione dell'inglese parlato(cantato). Scopri la parola nel testo della canzone di inglese
Esercizio sulle canzoni di inglese che ti permettono di affinare la comprensione della lingua inglese divertendoti con le tue canzoni preferite!
Trova le parole del testo della canzone di inglese cercando di capirle dall'audio. Ci sono vari livelli di difficoltà per tutti i livelli di inglese
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babyface - this is for the lover in you


Find the missing word

Trova le parole del testo della canzone di inglese cercando di capirle dall'audio

I will love you any way baby any way and every way I can
'Cause I'm that kind of man
I will 1 you everything baby
Give you more than any girl can stand
I'm gonna 2 you baby, baby, baby, baby

I'm talking 'bout makin' love in the shower
At 3 an hour
And let you dangle in my arms
'Cause love is power
Can you feel it the sky's the 4
Once you reveal it
Your heart was wounded
God sent me to 5 it
On a mission ain't no stress love
Touch you with precision
Just undress love
I 6 the right position
Come one trust me girl
Throw this rock up on your hand
I'll give you the 7
Yo Face
On the real
Was the honey looking laced

Ooh baby 8 baby

This is for the lover in you
This ring means I'll always be 9
This is how we'll start love anew
This time it's gonna last forever

I will love you all the way baby
Girl this means this love will never end
I'll be your lover and your friend
I will take you anywhere baby
Just say when and girl I'll take you there
I'm gonna take you baby, baby, baby, baby

We're going from Tahiti to France
To Italy in one night
Drop top Bentley coupe parked in the spotlight
And you can drive it laced in all white
I'm wearin' triple black
Our gear is top flight
Trips to venice
The man of steel when I'm in this
A match made in heaven
When we blend this
Lovers everlasting
In other words endless
To love any other man
Would be senseless
Yo Face
On the real
Was the honey looking laced

Ooh baby baby baby


Ladies and gentlemen Howard Hewett

I can say I never met a girl no, no
Who satisfied my mental and physical thing
When I lay me down to sleep and I rest assured
With the thought that you are right
Right next to me


It's for the lover in you baby
With this ring I'll show you
There ain't no maybe
It's for the lover in you baby
This time it's gonna last forever

It's for the lover in you baby
It's for the lover in you baby
This time it's gonna last forever

It's for the lover in you baby
It's for the lover in you baby
This time it's gonna last forever
  • Parola corretta - 1 punto

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