Canzoni in inglese

Canzoni di inglese che ti permetterannò attraverso gli esercizi di migliorare la tua capacità di comprensione dell'inglese parlato(cantato). Scopri la parola nel testo della canzone di inglese
Esercizio sulle canzoni di inglese che ti permettono di affinare la comprensione della lingua inglese divertendoti con le tue canzoni preferite!
Trova le parole del testo della canzone di inglese cercando di capirle dall'audio. Ci sono vari livelli di difficoltà per tutti i livelli di inglese
  • shape
  • shape

diana ross - last time i saw him


Find the missing word

Trova le parole del testo della canzone di inglese cercando di capirle dall'audio

Last time I saw him
He sweetly kissed my lips
Last time I saw him
He 1 :"I'll be back for more of this"
Last time I saw him
We 2 crying at the bus
I knew he hated leaving
But he had to set us up

I gave him money
I know I invested 3
Mamma doesn't trust him
But he loves me I can tell

Each 4 the greyhound
Arrives at nine o' clock
But I don't start my 5
'Till that last man's gotten off

Last time I saw him
Last time I saw my 6
Last time I saw him
He was greyhound-bound
But I'm still 7 here
Without a fear
That bus will someday turn around

I had no letter
It's been six months, 8 better
I try forgetting him
But I love him more then ever

I have decided
I've 9 long enough
If there was nothing wrong
He would return right on that bus

There must be trouble
So I'm leavin' on the double
If he can't get to me
I know he needs me desperately

Last time I saw him
Last time I saw my honey
Last time I saw him
He was looking fine
And as he waved goodbye
He said don't cry
I'm coming back, no rain or shine

Last time I saw him
Last time I saw my honey
Last time I saw him
He was greyhound-bound
And as he waved goodbye
He said don't cry
I'm coming back, no rain or shine

La de da, la da do
Do la da da, da da da

Last time I saw him
He was looking fine
And as he waved goodbye
He said don't cry
I'm coming back, no rain or shine
  • Parola corretta - 1 punto

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