Canzoni in inglese

Canzoni di inglese che ti permetterannò attraverso gli esercizi di migliorare la tua capacità di comprensione dell'inglese parlato(cantato). Scopri la parola nel testo della canzone di inglese
Esercizio sulle canzoni di inglese che ti permettono di affinare la comprensione della lingua inglese divertendoti con le tue canzoni preferite!
Trova le parole del testo della canzone di inglese cercando di capirle dall'audio. Ci sono vari livelli di difficoltà per tutti i livelli di inglese
  • shape
  • shape

killers - when you were young


Find the missing word

Trova le parole del testo della canzone di inglese cercando di capirle dall'audio

You sit there in your, heartache
Waitin' on some beautiful boy to
To save you 1 your old ways
You play forgiveness, watch it now, here he 2

He doesn't look a thing like Jesus
But he, talks like a gentleman
Like you imagined when you, were 3

Can we climb this mountain, I don't know
Higher now than ever before
I, 4 we can make it if we take it slow
Let's take it easy, 5 now, watch it go

We're burnin' down the highway skyline
On the back of a hurricane, 6 started turnin'
When you, were young
When you, were young

And 7 you close your eyes
And see the place where you used to live
When you, 8 young

They say the Devil's water, it ain't so sweet
You don't have to drink 9 now
But you can dip your feet
Every once in a, little while


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You sit there in your, heartache
Waitin' on some beautiful boy to
To save you from your old ways
You play forgiveness, watch it now, here he come

He doesn't look a thing like Jesus
But he, talks like a gentleman
Like you imagined when you, were young (Talks like a gentleman)
(Like you imagined when) When you, were young

I said he doesn't look a thing like Jesus
He doesn't look a thing like Jesus
But more than you'll ever know
  • Parola corretta - 1 punto

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