Scopri cosa significa essere civili in inglese .... in modo divertente :)
  • shape
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Being Civil...


  • Box 1: You promised to be civil!
  • Box 2: I am being civil!
  • Box 3: You didn’t specify which civilization.


  • Civil (adj) /?s?v.?l/ polite an formal.
  • Civilized (adj) /?s?v.?.la?zd/ describes a society or country that has a well developed system of government, culture, and way of life and that treats the people who live there fairly.
  • Civilization (n) /?s?v.?l.a??ze?.??n/ human society with its well developed social organizations, or the culture and way of life of a society or country at a particular period in time.
  • To specify (v.) /?spes.?.fa?/ to explain or describe something clearly and exactly.

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